The First Step

July 30th, 2011

The car and the kids are packed and ready to go for our six-week adventure around Europe.

Our route is somewhat fluid although we have some fixed points along the way. Starting point is Santander and finish line is St Malo. In-between we have a week at the Italian Lakes and a week at Annecy. Where we go along the way will depend on what democratic agreement the family come to (my family find that hard to believe!).

The aims and objectives are:-

  • To have a lot of fun and very special family time.
  • For my children (and me!) to learn the art of travelling on a budget.
  • To manage whatever conflict situations arise.
  • To provide inspirational leadership
  • To practice my mediation skills in order to ensure we all peacefully co-exist.
  • To come back totally refreshed and raring to commence my new venture.

To see how we are getting on keep checking the blog.

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I have found the experience of coaching extremely positive. From the initial assessment of my traits (using the CDP Model) to working one to one with Naomi, I have managed to identify personal development objectives and have been provided with new techniques and support to achieve them. I cannot recommend this service more, especially for people in the Veterinary industry that often do not receive these skills within their training. I feel much more confident in completing my job role with minimal personal stress.

Emma Martin, Head RVN and JVP, Vets4Pets |

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