In addition to our mediation services we provide support designed to transform the approach to conflict throughout the entire organisation. This aims to promote positive conflict and communication styles leading to increased creativity and innovation, improved engagement and well-being.
Creating conflict positive organisations
A tailor-made programme designed with organisations and taking an holistic look at how to transform approaches to conflict. It starts with an exploratory phase – perhaps a ‘conflict audit’ – before moving on to developing a vision which could include:-
- reducing the time spent and cost of lengthy grievances and formal processes,
- introducing and encouraging positive conflict resolution options,
- reducing the cost of conflict related absence and improving well-being,
- improving conflict resolution skills within or across teams to enhance collaborative working,
- enabling leaders to create an environment where all individuals can confidently raise different opinions and viewpoints without fear.
Conflict-positive can lead to changes in organisational culture and is designed to complement other strategic development objectives. It may have consequences for people management and development for all; it can reach parts of the organisation other programmes don’t reach.
Conflict-positive requires leaders and leadership groups to model new approaches to working with friction, tension and disagreement; to use them positively and to lead by example.
Supporting teams
Where a team is struggling to manage conflict or team performance is being impacted by conflict there are a number of options. We can discuss these with you to identify the most appropriate support but this may include;-
- Improving team members’ skills to manage conflict and understand the differences between them. This could include our Personality and Conflict – interactive workshop using MBTI, a one or two day event highlighting the values and challenges that different personality types bring to handling conflict. Other training may also be relevant such as Resolution Skills for Managers or support for individuals such as conflict coaching.
- Using a Neutral Assessment process to identify the underlying issues and practical recommendations whilst empowering and engaging the team in identifying solutions.
- Use of an independent facilitator to work with a group or team. This can be used to enable participants to focus on discussing difficult issues in a controlled environment and with equal participation, focus on the business of the meeting or enhance a decision making process.
Introducing mediation throughout your organisation
Consultancy support covering;-
- How to set up, introduce and implement an in-house mediation schemes and other alternative approaches to dispute resolution.
- Supporting your own in-house schemes by providing supervision, support. or master classes for more experienced mediators to ensure continuous professional development.