CIPD in Wales Awards 2024 Best Learning and Development Initiative
We had a fabulous evening at the CIPD in Wales awards on Friday! We wined, we dined and we danced the night away. It was fantastic… Read more »
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In association with Insight and Quantum I facilitated two breakfast round table events with employers to discuss the challenges faced by the changing demographics of the workforce, how these are impacting and what action employers are taking. We have captured their thoughts and experiences below.
To put this into context
I had been reflecting on the changes to my working life and the increasing numbers of people who I talk to who are contemplating making career changes or who (like I) have taken a leap. It is perhaps no coincidence that we are all of a certain age; priorities are beginning to change and the thought of another 10 to 15 years of working life is looming. I had been thinking that this was an area that I could support people with as part of my coaching services. However we began to realise that both individuals and organisations will face a number of challenges.
There are three things that we concluded impact here:-
See here for Headlines and Statistics
The demographics illustrate that by 2025 there will be more people over the age of 60 than under. If all (or significant numbers) of the baby-boomers do decide to retire en-masse then there is no doubt that there will be real skill shortages. Put bluntly there will not be enough generation x y or indeed z employees to replace them and it is anticipated that there will be a particular shortage of leadership skills
The cost of pension provision has increased but many have failed to start investing early enough or sufficiently enough to enable them to retire when they might want to. The impact of this is that individuals may be forced, for economic reasons, to work for longer than they want to or are capable of doing.
Retirement Age
There are greater challenges for organisations in managing retirement and succession due to uncertainty as to when individuals will retire. Looked at positively this gives some individuals and employers greater choices over ways of working and career changes. A more negative view is that claims to Employment Tribunals may beckon.
So what did our roundtable guests think?
We would very much like to continue this debate and hear from others as to what their main issues or concerns are and who may have different experience or views. We would also love hear about and share any examples of innovative practices as these issues emerge and evolve. It is clear that some employers are starting to grapple with these issues but the full impact is yet to come and we will all have to adapt, think differently and constantly change our approaches.
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I have found the experience of coaching extremely positive. From the initial assessment of my traits (using the CDP Model) to working one to one with Naomi, I have managed to identify personal development objectives and have been provided with new techniques and support to achieve them. I cannot recommend this service more, especially for people in the Veterinary industry that often do not receive these skills within their training. I feel much more confident in completing my job role with minimal personal stress.
Emma Martin, Head RVN and JVP, Vets4Pets |
We had a fabulous evening at the CIPD in Wales awards on Friday! We wined, we dined and we danced the night away. It was fantastic… Read more »
3 new members of the Resolution at Work team have recently become certified in the fantastic Conflict Dynamics Profile model for conflict coaching, and we have… Read more »
It is not uncommon for conflict to arise between different teams. This can have considerable impact on both individuals and performance. A number of approaches can be used in this sort of scenario, including neutral assessment, team facilitation and group mediation.
Agreement could not be reached to enter into mediation in this situation and therefore coaching was an alternative support provided to one of the parties. The relationship between a majority shareholder and a shareholder/director was causing conflict. The relationship would be ok at times but disagreements would flare up from time to time and this was beginning to impact on the business.
Thanks for sharing this great article, some very interesting facts.
Great article, thanks for sharing it with us.