CIPD in Wales Awards 2024 Best Learning and Development Initiative
We had a fabulous evening at the CIPD in Wales awards on Friday! We wined, we dined and we danced the night away. It was fantastic… Read more »
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Welcome to my new blog which is starting at the end of one era and at the beginning of another with a rather long holiday in between!
My 12 years at Hugh James and almost 20 as a lawyer are coming to an end. Prior to this I was a practicing HR specialist and I am now about to launch my new business focusing on workplace mediation, leadership skills and coaching and mentoring. (For full details visit my website at ) These are the things that I have gained most satisfaction from and am most passionate about. In between is a six-week trip around Europe with my teenage boys (husband to follow!).
My leaving Hugh James is a bit of a wrench as I am leaving behind some fabulous colleagues. Many have described it as a brave (possibly stupid) move. However, my main feeling at the moment is one of excited anticipation. At this point in time I am not entirely sure precisely what paths this will all take me down, but that really does not seem to matter as I am confident that things will work out well.
I had got to the stage in my career where I could not see myself doing what I was currently doing for the rest of my working life, which (like many) seems to be stretching out further and further into the future in any event. I guess you could say that I had reached a plateau and was getting a little jaded. My main motivation was to be doing something different; something that would give me the most job satisfaction and flexibility possible and to have a new challenge.
I am already learning new skills, this blog and writing website content being examples. All my previous skills and experience are of course invaluable; I am simply putting them to different uses or using them in different ways and context. The upshot is that I am feeling more energised and enthusiastic about what I am doing than for a few years. I am also a firm believer that it is never too late to learn or change.
An average person now has three or four careers in their lifetime so I am making progress towards this by being about to start on my third. I am also in very good company, before he taught himself how to paint, Vincent Van Gogh was an art dealer, schoolmaster, student priest, and missionary.
I am calling this a mid-life re-evaluation ….. watch this space!
Follow us on LinkedIn, where we provide details of latest news, upcoming events and links to interesting articles around the topic of conflict resolution, mediation and training.
I have found the experience of coaching extremely positive. From the initial assessment of my traits (using the CDP Model) to working one to one with Naomi, I have managed to identify personal development objectives and have been provided with new techniques and support to achieve them. I cannot recommend this service more, especially for people in the Veterinary industry that often do not receive these skills within their training. I feel much more confident in completing my job role with minimal personal stress.
Emma Martin, Head RVN and JVP, Vets4Pets |
We had a fabulous evening at the CIPD in Wales awards on Friday! We wined, we dined and we danced the night away. It was fantastic… Read more »
3 new members of the Resolution at Work team have recently become certified in the fantastic Conflict Dynamics Profile model for conflict coaching, and we have… Read more »
It is not uncommon for conflict to arise between different teams. This can have considerable impact on both individuals and performance. A number of approaches can be used in this sort of scenario, including neutral assessment, team facilitation and group mediation.
Agreement could not be reached to enter into mediation in this situation and therefore coaching was an alternative support provided to one of the parties. The relationship between a majority shareholder and a shareholder/director was causing conflict. The relationship would be ok at times but disagreements would flare up from time to time and this was beginning to impact on the business.
Go Ali!
More power to your elbow……………Hope you have a great trip. I will be eagerly watching the space over the next few weeks1
Best wishes,